—— CrowdFunz Quick Loan Fund 602 is starting its first dividend disbursement!
On August 1, CrowdFunz Quick Loan Fund 602 has officially disbursed its first dividends to the fund investors, and all invested principal was transferred to the fund escrow account.
CrowdFunz clients can check their investment and return status at any time in their personal accounts on the website, and we will also update the progress in time.
CrowdFunz Fund 602 is our second debt investment fund has a 6-12 months investment cycle and 8% annualized return, in a total of $1,000,000 U.S. dollars in real estate debt investment.
Fund Features

- Minium Investment: $50,000
- Investment Type:Bridge Loan
- Raising Amount: $1,000,000
- Annualized Return: 8%
- Investment Period: 6-12 Months
- Closing Date: 06/30/2016
- CrowdFunz Rating: A
- Investment Qualification: U.S. Accredited and Foreign Investors
CrowdFunz Quick Loan Fund 602 is a debt investment fund. The project developer applied for a bridge loan of $1 million.
As part of the bank loans of the developers are about to expire, the loan originated by Fund 602 is applied for solving the developer’s short-term financing gap.

If you have any questions about your funds and investments, please feel free to contact us: +1(516) 829-0700; info@crowdfunz.com; +1(516) 829-0700; info@crowdfunz.com.