On July 25, British Columbia, where Vancouver, Canada is located, introduced a new housing bill (Bill 28). From August 2, 2016, foreign buyers who purchase properties in Metro Vancouver, except for paying other taxes, are reuired to pay an additional 15% property transfer tax.
Author Archives: CrowdFunz
美地解读 | 温哥华宣布外国人房产转让税多缴15%
7月25日,加拿大温哥华所在的不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)推出了新房屋法案(Bill 28):从2016年8月2日起,外国购房者在大温哥华地区买房,除了在其它税种按足额缴纳税款外,还需要多缴15%的财产转让税(property transfer tax)。
Announcement | First dividend disbursement of CrowdFunz Fund 602 is coming
CrowdFunz Quick Loan Fund 602 is starting its first dividend disbursement!
项目公告 | 美地快贷602派发首次股息
Insights | 8 questions from Chinese investors to buy a property in the U.S.
Many Chinese investors have asked us questions about buying a property in the United States, such as whether they can buy a house in the United States, whether American properties are expensive, or whether they can get a green card when buying a house in the United States. After sorting out the question list, CrowdFunz would like to list and answer those most frequently asked questions.
美地解读 | 中国投资者在美国购房的八个问题
最近,许多中国投资者朋友向我们资讯如何在美国购房不动产相关的疑问,比如中国人是不是不能在美国买房, 美国房产贵不贵,或者是不是在美国购房就可以拿绿卡等问题,CrowdFunz决定在整理后,将被问到最多的问题,进行一一解答。
Insights | Brexit to Have ‘Close to Zero’ U.S. Impact
Recently, James Bullard, the chairman of the Federal Reserve St. Louis, said that Brexit would not have a lasting impact on the United States, and there is no reason to predict that the United States will fall into a recession.
美地解读 | 英退欧杀伤力对美资本市场接近于零
Insights | Tax notes for foreign investors who use companies to invest in real estate
In recent years, Chinese companies or investors have become more and more enthusiastic about overseas investment. However, as long as there is an investment behavior, one must face tax issues related to the investment income. This article will briefly describe the tax advantages that you can enjoy when using corporate entities to invest in real estate in the United States as a foreign investor.
美地解读 | 美国境外投资者,用公司投资地产的税务须知