Insights | 8 questions from Chinese investors to buy a property in the U.S.

Many Chinese investors have asked us questions about buying a property in the United States, such as whether they can buy a house in the United States, whether American properties are expensive, or whether they can get a green card when buying a house in the United States. After sorting out the question list, CrowdFunz would like to list and answer those most frequently asked questions.

Insights | Tax notes for foreign investors who use companies to invest in real estate

In recent years, Chinese companies or investors have become more and more enthusiastic about overseas investment. However, as long as there is an investment behavior, one must face tax issues related to the investment income. This article will briefly describe the tax advantages that you can enjoy when using corporate entities to invest in real estate in the United States as a foreign investor.

Insights | Aftershocks of Brexit, how to reduce the damage caused by the devaluation of RMB?

itain’s historic Brexit aftershock is not over, and global financial markets continue to fall into chaos. With the pound slumping and the dollar strengthening, Renminbi dropped by nearly 600 points on June 27th, the largest one-day drop since the devaluation of the renminbi triggered the global financial turmoil in August last year. It also hit a 5-year low onshore exchange rate.